Is a Swedish Lapphund the Right Dog for YOU?

Making the Right Choice

Regardless of the breed, deciding to share your home with a dog should be considered quite seriously. This is a commitment for the lifetime of your future companion. Do you have the time, resources and willingness to create a safe, healthy and stimulating environment? Are you willing to accept the daily responsibilities? The following questions are geared towards Swedish Lappie ownership but could be generally applied to sharing your life with any animal.

Shelter and Physical Environment

  • Will you share your home with your Swedish Lapphund?

  • Will your Swedish Lapphund sleep in your house?

  • Do you have a secure, adequately fenced yard (minimum 6' fence in good condition)?

  • Is your yard free of plants that are poisonous to dogs?

  • Will your Swedish Lapphund have shelter available when outdoors?

Financial Resources

Before bringing a Swedish Lapphund home, it's a good idea to get a realistic idea of what the costs will be for keeping your dog healthy and happy. Below are questions related to these requirements. Costs vary depending on where you live. If you don't know the costs associated with a question, check the services in your local area.

Can you afford:

  • An annual general health checkup with a veterinarian?

  • Vet costs related to illness, injury and general health maintenance?

  • The cost of necessary vaccinations?

  • The cost to license your Swedish Lapphund?

  • A high-quality dog food?

  • To provide grooming when necessary?

  • The cost of training?


  • Can you spend at least an hour or two daily interacting with and focusing on your Swedish Lapphund?

  • Are you willing to take the time to train your Swedish Lapphund?

  • Will your Swedish Lapphund be an active member in your family’s activities?

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

  • Are you able to take your Swedish Lapphund for a daily walk?

  • Are you open to getting involved in dog sports/activities (herding, agility, obedience etc.)?

Other Considerations

  • Have you had a dog before?

  • Is everyone on board with getting a Swedish Lapphund if there are other family members?

  • Are you willing to accept complete responsibility for your Swedish Lapphund?

  • Swedish Lapphund are double-coated dogs and shed! Are you okay with this?

  • Swedish Lapphund are vocal. Are you okay with this?

  • Swedish Lapphund are very independent and can be pretty stubborn at times. Are you okay with this?

  • Do you have arrangements for the care of your Swedish Lapphund if something should happen to you?


Your results are pretty easy to understand. Tally up how many "yes" and "no" answers you had. If you answered Yes to all of the questions above, you are a good candidate for a Swedish Lapphund. A No to any of the above suggests you should rethink whether a Swedish Lapphund is right for you.

A friendly word of caution is due here if you are still considering a Swedish Lapphund:

Swedish Lapphunds are like potato chips. It's hard to stop at just one!

Photos courtesy of Melissa Fisher, Chris P. Hammond, and Patricia Arfsten. Header photo by Brandy Gale.